I have been known to make a guide here and there occasionally but why reinvent the wheel when a maestro such as Anthony Morganti has already explained the process in a very clear and concise way. If you’ve worked with Photoshop back in the day you know how much of a nightmare selecting curly hair could be. Likewise, compositing very much required a significant amount of manual labor to blend the images seamlessly in both color and luminosity.

In this video, Anthony teaches us how to create a selection of a woman with curly hair which is to be blended into a second image of a living room. He goes into detail on how to have Photoshop automatically generate the selection and the tools needed to refine both her hair and various other inconsistencies. Once the selection has been brought to a finalized state, Anthony shows us how to use a new Photoshop tool, neural filters. In this case the neural filter is used to automatically determine the color adjustments needed to match the woman with the new background.

If you have not yet tried out the neural filter workspace in Photoshop, give it a try (click the link in the previous paragraph). It is a new filter library that aims to reduce some of the most tedious task and allow you to focus on the creative aspect of generating your images.

You have the option to download 3 types of filters from the cloud. “Featured” filters are those that meet Photoshop’s highest standards. Beta filters are available for testing but have not yet been refined fully. The filter used in the tutorial to adjust the color is a beta filter. Finally, the “wait list” filters are those not yet available but could be released in the near future.

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