Ansel Adams is perhaps the most important landscape photographer of the 20th century. He rose to prominence as a photographer of the American West, particularly Yosemite National Park. Adams used his black and white images not only to protect existing conservation and wilderness areas but also lobbied Congress for more to be created.

Aidin Robbins does a fantastic job of summarizing Adams’ career and style. Adams was known for using medium to large format cameras, shooting at extremely high f-stops (Group f/64) and manipulating exposure (dodge and burn). Adams also helped develop the Zone System along with fellow portrait photographer Fred Archer.

For someone as prominent as Adams, there is not much else that I can add to the conversation. However, it is important to keep him in our minds especially so younger generations are aware of his work. Please watch the video to get the full summary on Adams and his legacy. I have added links to all the necessary information if you want to deep dive his life and career further.

Thank you for showing interest in one of the all times greats!

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